Friday, October 9, 2009

The Wheels On The...Oh, Stop

Hello! So it's noon and Angela and I barely woke up...I'll tell you why.

Yesterday, I get a call from Talia (an exchange student from New Mexico) saying that one of the other American girls is having a birthday party and that they'd like for us to be there. Seeing that Angela and I have missed every other opportunity to shake our groove thang this week, we hop on the party bus.

Amanda (birthday girl) wanted a dessert kind of theme, so EVERYONE baked up some awesome stuff. A couple of the American girls here are Vegan/ all the desserts were vegan (they were scrumdidlyumptious!).

It just so happened to be Amanda's 21st birthday. And they kept saying they wanted to celebrate it "American style" (which, really, Scottish people can outdrink us by like...a lot). So they start popping open some bubbly (literally, popping), and we get a little bit of our sip on.

It's 11:00, and all the girls really wanted to go dancing at this club called "Hive" (All the girls + me). Sweet, so while we're walking we start talking to these two new faces we saw at the party. A 6 foot 7 guy (that looks like a Scottish Edward Cullen) named Dave, and a 6 foot 3 guy named Ben. Dave is Scottish, but has spent so much time in America that his accent is a little...different. And Ben is the coolest, rawest, funniest Canadian I've ever met. Actually, he's the only Canadian I've ever met.

Man...I'm just gonna go out there and say it...we hit it off. We had a bromance if I ever saw one. These guys are the beezneez.

So we finally get to the club, only to find out that some DJ is playing tonight and there's a big 'ol cover charge. So Ben and Dave take us to these really, really cool place called "The Three Sisters". And I have no other way of saying this other than...we all got a know...happy :-)

Just a few highlights:
-Tequila shots
-Dave pounded fists with Obama (he really did)
-Amanda's boyfriend and I almost punched some big German guys
-Waldo-ing pictures
-Dancing to some old school American songs (especially Jackson 5)
-Alex (our friend that's Russian, but is from Germany) is a ladies man
-Some bathroom befriending...that doesn't sound right
-laughs upon laughs upon laughs upon giggles upon laughs

As if all the fun wasn't enough for Ben and Dave, they invite everyone back to their place for some more drinks and smiles. It's about 1 in the morning. These guys party like there's no tomorrow.

So after stopping by this little Kebab shop and getting some mmmmeeeeaaaaannnn lamb and chicken doners (it was happiness in my mouth), we head up to the guys' flat. And boy oh boy, was that a party. Let me give you some highlights...

-Shots of this NASTY licorice liquor wasn't Uzo
-Dancing...or trying to at this point
-Singing old school songs at the top of our lungs
-A little bit of the game "Never have I ever", and let me tell you...I've never played this game before, and quite honestly, I still don't get it.
-Some good 'ol Truth or Dare
-People spinning the bottle (or remote control) and kissin'
-Trying to play the guitar...and failing
-I stripped down to my boxers and Angela wheel-barreled me around the flat
-Alex got NAKED and was allowed only a small Kebab to-go box :-)
-Baileys Irish Cream
-Lap dances...from guys
-Shirtless sit ups
-Dave had never played Truth or dare before and so the entire time all you hear is "I love this game! This game is the best!" haha
-Angry, angry neighbors
-Body shots

Angela and I made our way home at 4 in the morning. I haven't stayed out that late since I was a little youngin' in high school. Now I'm this old man. And I'm feeling the oldness this morning. I promise, the party sounds like a big 'ol nasty orgy, but it really wasn't that bad. lol actually it was pretty pg-13 rated. The only nudity was Alex's Russian/German ass. It was such a good night...the best night probably since we've been here.

So yeah, that was Amanda's birthday night. Happy Birthday Amanda. And just to ease the craving of you video hungry people back home...this is just a small taste of what it's like to drive around the city. Just take what you see...and multiply it by no less than a million, and THAT'S what it's really like. I hope you enjoy it. The song to, because I arranged/composed it :-) We love you all and miss you and even though we're having a really great time over here...we're REALLY looking forward to coming home and partying with all of you. Yes, even you moms and pops. Cheers!

Again, if you'd like to view the entire video: